Our Mission

Education through documentary storytelling.

Who We Are & What We Do

Wail of a Tale is not a typical Media company. We are a humanitarian driven 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our expertise is in policy analysis relating to racialized and disparaged communities. We explore the social and political determinants of health and engage viewers with stories that amplify the voices of women, racialized, and disparaged communities. We view documentary filmmaking as a tool to educate students, organizations, the public, and lawmakers on social justice issues. Through academic and investigative research, we project the message of dismissed communities to effect change. We provide hope and inspire concrete actions to improve lives. We produce waves for social change. Join us.

Our Founder

A message from our Founder, Marty Pack

Why Wail of a Tale?

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Andrea Tomasek

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Beth Pardo

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Current Project

Mom, Wife, Singer, Disabled

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Why Are Stories Needed?

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Cynthia's Journey

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Cynthia Adnig

When COVID hit the U.S., we knew it would be catastrophic. It was revealed just how broken Public Health and our medical institutions were. We grew to understand just how woefully underprepared our country was for such an event. This is a stain on America, and it continues to bleed across the breadth of the American fabric. Long COVID is a condition that disables and marginalizes communities expeditiously, and impactfully. The new condition is a perfect demonstration of what we know, the rich get help, and minorities and disadvantaged socioeconomic groups die. This is not hyperbole.

Our docuseries confirms Black, Brown, LGBTQI+, working poor, and undocumented communities lack resources for their survival. It demonstrates a new way in which the death of dismissed communities is being perpetrated. We establish the need for radical investment in Public Health, education, disparaged communities, insurance coverage, and health care systems, NOW.


This worldwide pandemic has proven to be a mass disabling event, but it is also a mass marginalizing event for these underserved communities. Our goal, with this film, is to change the narrative around healthcare. To push equity forward we must recognize, understand, and claim our failings as they are, and in doing so, commit to reconstructing an equitable system.

We raise awareness with Wail of a Tale’s documentary, conceptualized by our founder, Marty Pack while working for Public Health in a rural county in Colorado. Based on direct experiences she has with individuals suffering from Long COVID, she exposes health inequity.

Amanda's Story

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Commercial Media

The Risks of Reinfection

Life expectancy is going down. Discover why here.


For filmmaker Marty Pack, life has always been about timing. A graduate of the prestigious Second City improvisational comedy troupe, which Pack calls “the best education I ever got,” she knows instinctively when something is working, or when it’s off.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Pack was in the middle of a move to start a master’s degree program in public health. The timing couldn’t have been better, or worse. “I do not recommend moving during a pandemic,” Pack said.

. . . Read more at HEALTH CARE un-covered

The journey of a social justice filmmaker, and the stories of women who drive the voices of her films.

On the bustling, neon-lit streets of Chicago, Marty Pack fiercely pursued a bachelor’s degree in communication production at Northeastern Illinois University, all while raising two children as a single mother, working full-time, and dedicating her youth to social causes.

Graduating summa cum laude, Ms. Pack continued her studies with a master’s degree in political science focusing

. . . Read more at 14East

Wail of a Tale Team

Film Runner

  • Logo placement on our website


Production Assistant

  • Logo placement on our website
  • Recognition in the film credits


Production Management

  • Logo placement on our website
  • Recognition in the film credits
  • 2 tickets to local premieres in featured cities


Assistant Producer

  • Logo placement on our website and premieres
  • Recognition in the film credits
  • 5 tickets to local premiere
  • Logo placement in pre-film ads



  • Logo placement on our website and premieres
  • Recognition in the film credits
  • 10 tickets to local premiere
  • Logo placement in pre-film ads


Executive Producer

  • Logo placement on our website and premieres
  • Recognition in the film credits
  • 10 tickets to local premiere
  • Logo placement in pre-film ads
  • 1-2 min equity scene in pre-film ads


Why Sponsor?

Our goal, with this film, is to change the narrative around healthcare. The docuseries will educate students, teachers, policymakers, and the public on nationwide inequities. We expose the damage caused by health deserts in both rural and urban communities. We interview individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds to understand the physical, financial, and emotional differences faced by LGBTQI+, and racialized communities struggling with the aftermath of COVID. This worldwide pandemic has proven to be a mass disabling event, but it is also a mass marginalizing event for these underserved communities.

We raise awareness with the film The Social Determinants of Health, Long Covid, and the Change Makers, conceptualized by Marty while working in Public Health in a rural county in the Rocky Mountains.

Based on direct experiences she has with individuals suffering from Long COVID, she exposes health inequity.

Contact us at for more information.




Chronic Illness Warriors, First Responders, and Caretaker Wear.

Be Visible. Be Heard. Be an Ally.

All proceeds go towards the production of our current film.

Past Projects

The Takeover of Testing

This film was the first to look at the systemic problems with the testing movement. It explored the racism and subsequent siphoning of public school funds for personal gain. True to the investigation, we can look back and see the damage caused by this movement.

This piece was used to educate the Chicago Teachers Union on the testing movement and how it has been used to close public schools.

Maria’s Story, Undocumented Violence

Maria’s Story, Undocumented Violence, looks at an undocumented woman surviving an abusive marriage, gaining legal status, and achieving the American dream. It was used to educate social work students and the public at Governor State University. The Archdiocese of Chicago’s Domestic Violence Outreach program now uses the film to inspire the undocumented community to get help. 

The Center on Domestic Violence 20th Anniversary

Through collaboration with the award-winning editor, Tyler Holme, we produced a short segment that highlights the work the Center has done through the people it has helped. This was used for their 20th Anniversary, Champions for Change: Many Stars – One Universe Gala.


Be part of the story. Join us for the long haul!

A Message from Our Founder

Marty Pack